Daily Archives: May 11, 2010

Religious Parties In Israel

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says about the British elections: “The United States is less democratic than every parliamentary democracy. That’s why I’ve always been for liberty. As much as I have talked about democracy, I should’ve talked … Continue reading

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Are Jews Like The Amish?

I was explaining to a non-Jewish Seventh-Day Adventist friend today about some of the Jewish laws of the Sabbath. You can’t drive. You can’t talk on the phone. You can’t start or stop an electrical current. “Are Jews like the … Continue reading

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Dancing Leads To Kissing

Jewish life has many ecstatic moments and this ecstasy often leads to inappropriate kissing. I remember there was this girl I liked. I dug her so much that I read a couple of books by her mom. I was really … Continue reading

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What Does Kosher Mean?

I’m staying with some non-Jewish friends at Loma Linda University this weekend. I’m going to be on a panel Sabbath afternoon talking with three Christians and a Jew about a new book. My friends have never hosted an Orthodox Jew … Continue reading

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Working In Private Industry Develops Character

Dennis Prager had a great point on the first hour of his radio show today: “My wife and I were at a mall in Houston. I made the observation when I saw kids from all backgrounds and how courteous they … Continue reading

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