Daily Archives: May 13, 2010

How To Create Excitement At LimmudLA

There was a giddy excitement to the first LimmudLA that has steadily diminished the past two years. That first year, we couldn’t believe what we had. We were just so happy to be together with Jews of all stripes. There … Continue reading

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Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson: ‘Coming To Know The God We Already Love’

Did you get that phrase — “Coming To Know The God We Already Love”? What Jew talks like this? This is Christian talk. What is primary in Christianity — faith, hope, love, humility — is secondary in Judaism and what … Continue reading

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Hanging Out With The Bushes

David Gruber, an Orthodox rabbi turned secular humanist, emails me: I wanted to share with you what was a very interesting weekend on our end. On Saturday, I participated in the wedding ceremony of one of President George W. BushÂ’s … Continue reading

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Facing Up To Myself

I’ve been on a jihad — inner spiritual struggle — the past few weeks to reconnect on Facebook with friends from my past who are no longer in my life. Last night, I leafed through my 1983 and 1984 Placer … Continue reading

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