Daily Archives: May 10, 2010

‘Constructive Awareness: Alexander Technique and the Spiritual Quest’

I picked up this book and I did not expect much. On the back cover, it reads: “Daniel McGowan has personally introduced more than 7,000 people in the U.S. and Europe to Alexander Technique since 1983.” That kind of talk … Continue reading

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I’ve Been Reborn In The Spirit

Over much of my life, I was lost in sin. I was a slave to my wicked desires. But now I think I have conquered my unhealthy proclivities. I’ve finally seen the light and surrendered my life to my Heavenly … Continue reading

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The Beth Am Library Minyan

Joe emails: I always wondered why no orthodox shul can come up with a substitute for this type of experience. The Beth Am Library Minyan was at a level of spiritual “truthiness” akin to a Hasidic service – the people … Continue reading

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Abide With Me

“Abide With Me” and “Nearer My God To Thee” are my two favorite Christian hymns. I wonder why. I guess one reason is that there is nothing explicitly or uniquely Christian about them. I identify with being on the Titanic … Continue reading

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The Life Of Malcolm Hoenlein

Here is my humble effort from many years ago when my hair was still thick and my face smooth and my twinkiness shone brightly around many Los Angeles shuls. Leslie emails: I wanted to let you know about this article … Continue reading

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