Daily Archives: May 27, 2010

The Dynamic God You Already Love (But Didn’t Know You Could)

On June 1 at 7:30 pm, Sinai Temple hosts a lecture and discussion on Rabbi Brad Artson’s process theology. Here’s the billing: “New scientific findings of the past century have changed our understanding of everything – the evolution of the … Continue reading

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Tavis Smiley: More Christians Than Muslims Blow Up People Every Single Day

See the video. Tavis Smiley: “But Christians do that [blow people up] every single day in this country.” I did a Google news search on this and there’s not one result. I wonder why the news media ignore such foolishness. … Continue reading

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Europe’s Low Birthrate

On Dennis Prager’s radio show today, Dutch novelist and essayist Leon DeWinter accounted for Europe’s tendency towards pacifism as largely due to its low birthrate. When you only have one son, you’re very reluctant to send him off to war. … Continue reading

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New Jersey’s Eloquent New Governor Chris Christie

He announced a constitutional amendment for November to cap property taxes at no more than 2.5% per year. A teacher complained she should make more money, say, $83,000 a year or $3 per pupil. “You’re not compensating me for my … Continue reading

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Spilled Oil

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: “I have not spoken about this terrible oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. “Why have I not covered this? Because there’s nothing for me to say. Unlike the left, I have … Continue reading

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