Daily Archives: May 31, 2010

The Yeshiva Of Hard Knocks

A guest post: I knew a boy named Luke Ford. I had the misfortune of being close to him. My name is Amber*. Because I’m nice, I was always seated next to Luke Ford at Jewish journalism events. People thought … Continue reading

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An impromtu debate between Rabbi Shmuley and Dennis Prager as they travel through Africa

This was recorded during Thanksgiving, 2009. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: “Values are not just abortion and gay marriage.” Dennis Prager: “Those are very huge.” Shmuley: “Values are family values. Keeping families together is the main thing. I don’t see where gays … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Endorses Carly Fiorina For U.S. Senate

She appears to be the likely winner of the Republican primary. Here’s the radio show from this past week:

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Christians United For Israel

From a speech Dennis Prager gave April 25 in Minneapolis to CUFI: A minute into his talk, Dennis puts on his yarmulke to say a shehecheyanu. Dennis: “I always get choked up when I do this. I make a little … Continue reading

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Why I’m Jewish

I talk the other day to a non-Jewish pal. Pal: “I know you’ve had serious issues being accepted in Orthodox Judaism. Is it because you’re a convert?” Luke: “No. It’s because I’ve been obnoxious. I’m an outlaw. I used to … Continue reading

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