Daily Archives: May 23, 2010

Loving America

On his radio show May 20, 2010, Dennis Prager says: “If you say that the United States is a racist country, which is a common charge on the left, how do you love a racist entity? “There is no doubt … Continue reading

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Only In Bel Air

Psycho-therapist Donna Burstyn blogs: I received a telephone call from a celebrity who got my phone number off of a website. She called me directly and was telling me about how she had broken her sobriety after ten years of … Continue reading

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The Mob Rule Of LA’s Orthodox Rabbinate

On his radio show May 20, 2010, Dennis Prager says: “I want to tell you a story here. Every kid, for reasons we can never explain as adults, remembers something forever that didn’t even happen to the kid… Every one … Continue reading

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YULA Firings

I hear: YULA has fired three teachers whose years of affiliation with the school total about a century: Mrs. Carol Bess Mr. Manny Katz (married the non-Jewish Spanish teacher about 15 years ago and she was forced to leave YULA) … Continue reading

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What Do Single Orthodox Guys Like?

From FrumSatire: Stuff yeshivish single learning guys younger than 24 like

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