Daily Archives: September 29, 2009

David Suissa Is Tired Of Rabbis Preaching It Is Wrong To Steal

He writes: DON’T STEAL MONEY? BE ETHICAL? It takes courage to say that? Don’t get me wrong. Stealing and cheating are terrible. Jews who steal and cheat are criminals. They are a disgrace and a shanda to all of us. … Continue reading

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I’m Getting Hives For The First Time Since High School

The transition from the warm bosom of the Seventh-Day Adventist church to the cold secular world of public school was difficult and I spent much of 1980-1981 breaking out in severe cases of hives. Now they’ve returned for the first … Continue reading

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The Elixir Of Love

I’m going to opera tomorrow night at Disney Hall. We’re going to see The Elixir of Love. My date says: "Please consult your advisory group re: proper Opera etiquette although I am not entirely convinced of their suaveness due to … Continue reading

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