Monthly Archives: September 2009

She Purrs

She called Friday at 8:08 pm. He couldn’t pick up the phone because it was the Sabbath, but it was their pre-arranged signal for him to come out to get her. He wouldn’t get to listen to her message until … Continue reading

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‘Mazal Tov!’

"Mazal tov!" said my friend as he sat beside me at Shalosh Sheudos. Towards the end of the Yedid Nefesh, he put his arm around me and we swayed to the music. "Have you read the words?" he said. "The … Continue reading

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Yisroel Pensack: Northern California Mohel Who Cannot Speak Issues Yom Kippur Message

Rabbi Chanan Feld, longtime San Francisco Bay Area mohel and a Torah teacher based at Beit Midrash Ohr HaChaim in Berkeley,     has been seriously ill with oral cancer. According to an email I just received from the Beit Midrash, "Though he … Continue reading

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‘They Were In Danger Of Becoming Inseparable’

That’s a great line from one of John Updike’s final stories. I know what it is like to feel close to someone, to not want to live without them, and simultaneously feeling an urge to destroy it all so one … Continue reading

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Whitewashing History

Friar Yid writes on Hirhurim: How can we claim to have an intellectual tradition that values knowledge if we deliberately lie about its history to advance propaganda? Doesn’t this show a tremendous lack of faith in Judaism’s intellectual merits on … Continue reading

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