Monthly Archives: September 2009

Would You Like To Shake My Lulav?

When I came to Los Angeles in 1994, I was hosted several times for Shabbat and holiday meals by a nice Orthodox family in Pico-Robertson. Then, due to the raunchy nature of my blogging, the invites ceased. In the summer … Continue reading

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Lustful Thoughts Are A Sin

I got some very bad news this afternoon. I was lying on my bed of nails listening to Torah talks by Rabbi Ari Kahn. In his second lecture on Rosh Hashanah, he says that lustful thoughts are a sin. Most … Continue reading

Posted in David Deida, Dennis Prager, Personal, R. Ari Kahn, Sex | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Lustful Thoughts Are A Sin

Never Let A Crackhead Sing At Your Funeral

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Hot Shiksa calls. I squeal: "You poked me on Facebook! This is a whole new direction for our relationship. We’re finally making our feelings concrete. It’s not just words. Now it’s down to poking. We’re making things holy." Hot Shiksa: … Continue reading

Posted in Dating, Personal, Sex, Yoga | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Respect!

Girls Don’t Dig Sarcasm

I was being sarcastic about gays today to this hot shiksa and she warned me that if I didn’t cut it out, I would "lose my conversation privileges."

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