Tag Archives: self denial

I Try To Lead The Jews Into The Promised Land Of Heterosexual Love

I’ve had such a trying day. I got bitten by a ferocious dog. I made several highly inappropriate remarks of a sexual nature over lunch and accidentally intimated that one or both of my hosts had lied to the other … Continue reading

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Seeking Absolution For My Sins

Though I try to hold myself back in my interviews, when I feel like they are going well enough, I set my demons loose among the hens. For example, see this interview with Robert Cait and these two reports from … Continue reading

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The Guru Hugged Me

In class tonight, the Guru asks: "Do any of you have a goal?" We all raise our hands. "Do any of you want to attain your goal without effort?" Most of us keep our hands up. The Guru then explains … Continue reading

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