Monthly Archives: March 2009

Running Over Others In My Rush To Hear Torah

So I cut out of Alexander Technique class early so I can arrive on time to my 12:30 pm Torah class. I curse at other drivers on the road, particularly one guy ahed of mewho’s stopped and waiting for the … Continue reading

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I’m Glad She Was Moved

A woman told me that she was moved by this blog post of mine. I replied that I am very glad she is moved, but does it make her want to give me her body (under the qualifications of Jewish … Continue reading

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Judged About Their Lack Of Jewishness

Non-Orthodox Jews frequently seem concerned that Orthodox Jews are judging them about their lack of Jewishness. On, Jason Lipeles writes: "Although he had a long beard, I wasn’t nervous or thinking that maybe he was judging my lack of … Continue reading

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She Feels Disconnected From Judaism

I was talking to a frum-from-birth friend the other day who feel "disconnected" from Judaism. She’s not davening every day, she’s not saying blessings all the time when she eats, she’s not learning Torah regularly and she’s not attending shul … Continue reading

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Leaving Without Saying Goodbye

I don’t like to say goodbye. It makes me sad and nothing good can develop from it because you are about to split and it often means interrupting someone or waiting to say goodbye and just hanging on and clinging … Continue reading

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