Daily Archives: February 3, 2009

Time For A Change?

Yid emails: As to you being sued, I think the only thing that has saved you so far is that you are an indigent blogger street person and aren’t taken totally seriously. Most people think you are sick or demented … Continue reading

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My Latest Shame Attack

No, it was not at 5:11 pm when my boss called me "scumbag." It was between 12:30 and 12:40 this afternoon. I had just finished my three hours of Alexander Technique. I was parked outside my local acupuncture college for … Continue reading

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Goy Joy Lives – I’m Meditating Live On My Cam To Abstract Sanskrit Chants

From my live cam: guest7:  You now have two traditions where wisdom is associated with a beard: Hinduism and Judaism. Now if you embrace Islam, you’ll be on your way to embracing beard-loving religions. guest7:  What’s your next beard-loving tradition … Continue reading

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Rabbi Emmanuel Rackman Is Still Ahead Of The Times

Thirty five years ago, the presidency of Yeshiva University almost went to intellectual Emmanuel Rackman. In a few years, it will likely go to administrator Steven Weil. Rabbi Jack Riemer writes in The Jewish Week: Rabbi Rackman is still ahead … Continue reading

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My Personalities Have Changed — All Seven Of Them

My kundalini has changed too. It is flowing in unexpected but exciting directions — none of them illegal! I’m happy these days. Hari Har! Hari Har! I attribute my change in temperament to yoga and Alexander Technique. I met up … Continue reading

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