Monthly Archives: March 2009

Following the Guru

I tell my friend that I start every day with a cold shower and 30 minutes of stretching and chanting as Guru Singh instructs. Joe: "Guru Singh? My friend used to follow him. And now he has ten contempt of … Continue reading

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Is Kundalini Yoga Dangerous For Your Health?

I went to Kundalini Yoga to get happier and healthier. If I get holier too, that’s a bonus. Overall, I’ve been very happy with my journey. I feel happier and healthier. The past five days, I’ve been obsessed with reading … Continue reading

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For A Man Who Despises TV, Dennis Prager Goes To Great Lengths To Appear On TV

Dennis Prager often writes and speaks about how much he despises television. Yet yesterday on his radio show, Dennis Prager talked about how he flew in to New York to do the [Sean] Hannity show. Dennis spoke on the show … Continue reading

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Orthodox Women Rabbis

Moshe responds to the argument that there is no objection in Jewish law to a woman becoming a rabbi: You mention the Rav, which is ironic since it’s well documented that he objected to women even being shul president, let … Continue reading

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A Bais Yaakov Girl Who Converted To Catholicism

Report: …Sara, a third year law student who lives in Michigan with her husband of five years, together with their young daughter and two pets. Sara is a former Bais Yaakov girl from a moderate yeshivish family who stopped being … Continue reading

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