Daily Archives: February 2, 2009

I’m Starting To Find People Abrasive

Yes, even a rude crude bloke like me can find other people abrasive. I must’ve changed. It must be all the Alexander Technique and yoga I’m doing. I feel different. I’m not as flip and as cynical. I no longer … Continue reading

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I Want To Be A Great Writer Like V.S. Naipaul

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Align The Heavenly Forces In Your Life

I don’t believe in astrology but I don’t deny its relevance either. I’m agnostic. But one can’t be agnostic in the way one lives. You either live as God matters or you live as if God does not matter. You … Continue reading

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Once This Was A Place Of Truth

From my live cam chat: RabbiGadol:  NPR has a report on some of the Pervert  Rabbis of Brooklyn RabbiGadol:  Christ, there is nothing Jewish about this music. RabbiGadol:  Once, this was a place of torah RabbiGadol:  Now, it is the … Continue reading

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My Dad Turned 80 Today

He’s had a good innings. Three kids, two grandkids, thousands of people who adore him. He’s the subject of a flattering new biography. I saw him a couple of months ago at Loma Linda University. I haven’t been back to … Continue reading

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