Daily Archives: February 5, 2009

What Do You Call A Jew Who Is Not On…

this list? A goy. Joe emails: “The Markopolos testimony was completely devastating. You are too young, but he had the tenor and the ability to answer a question before it was answered that John Dean had in the Watergate matter. … Continue reading

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Would You Like To Know More About Me?

"I really enjoy the joy of being me and i am dedicated to sharing that joy with you." That was an assignment from yoga class tonight… Well, we were supposed to phone friends, I thought I’d just post it. It … Continue reading

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How Do You Deal With Friends Who Want To Demean You?

Like Dennis Prager, I’ve dedicated my life to uplifting the human condition. I pattern my behavior on tne highest ideals of Western Civilization in general and the Torah in particular. Despite this, I have people in my life who try … Continue reading

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Founder Of Aish HaTorah Dies

Aish HaTorah is the most significant outreach organization for Orthodox Judaism (along with Chabad). They are a machine. They bring people in, they love them, and they help them rebuild their lives in the light of the Torah. And this … Continue reading

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Another Jewish Journalist Covers Us In Shame

Politico reports: At the end of an East Room signing ceremony for legislation funding the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, a member of the media jumped the rope penning off reporters from invited guests in an apparent attempt to get … Continue reading

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