Daily Archives: February 8, 2009

Like Father, Like Son

Many of the contentious issues Morey Levovitz had at Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy his late father Abe had at Maimonides School in Brookline, MA. Abe had a much more successful reign, however. Abe ran Maimonides for decades. Morey got pushed … Continue reading

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Desperate To Meet A Girl

Most single guys are desperate to meet a girl. They are far more compulsive than single women. Most single guys will do anything to meet a hot chick. They will put everything aside and move heaven and earth to meet … Continue reading

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Self-Telecourse With Rabbi Dr. Marc Gafni

I love this, especially the graphic, it opens up all my shakras, if I was at a lower level of consciousness I would mock that which I do not understand, but I evolved and am now ready to proclaim the … Continue reading

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Conservative Judaism Pushes Aliyah

From The Jerusalem Post: The Conservative Movement will launch a campaign to encourage immigration to Israel from North and South America during the movement’s annual Rabbinical Assembly convention this week in Jerusalem. "In the next two to three years we … Continue reading

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How To Daven Without Bothering Others

Nachum Lamm posts: Keep it to yourself. Don’t enthusiastically yell out parts of tefillah, say something along with the Chazan (outside of singing) and so on. People should hear the chazzan (or ba’al koreh) and no one else. And yes, … Continue reading

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