Daily Archives: February 10, 2009

I Despise Rabbis Who Demand To Be Flattered

I know rabbis who are all over-joyed by the sincerity of the goyim they are converting to the one true faith. What gets me is that these rabbis actually believe what these potential converts tell them about their motives for … Continue reading

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David Klinghoffer Vs. Little Green Footballs

David blogs: The popular conservative blogger Little Green Footballs has it in for Darwin doubters and recently called me a near-liar merely for alluding in an article to the well-known Darwin-Hitler connection. He regards the very idea of such a … Continue reading

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His Beef With Orthodoxy

Joe emails: I saw your story on shalhevet hiring vered hopenstand to teach hebrew and it reminded me of a funny story and an issue to raise. I was in a Hopenstand class in high school and she would talk … Continue reading

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Israeli Model Makes Cover Of Sports Illustrated Bathing Suit Issue

From The Jerusalem Post: Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli has another feather to put in her cap – if she were wearing one. The barely-clad Refaeli appears on the cover of Sports Illustrated’s prestigious swimsuit edition, one of the most coveted … Continue reading

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Join Luke Ford On His Cam For Live Israeli Election Results

Click here to join the fun. The Jewish Journal stream here.

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