Daily Archives: February 17, 2009

Luke With The Ladies At LimmudLA 2009

My LimmudLA 2009 report. My Live Cam And Discussion I received many comments at LimmudLA and after LimmudLA that my proclivities for touching women rendered my Orthodoxy suspect. I found these remarks deeply hurtful. I take my cues in these … Continue reading

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Remembering Aish HaTorah’s Founder Noah Weinberg

Rabbi Gil Student writes: To the great sadness of Jews around the world, R. Noah Weinberg passed away last week (link). There are many moving tributes on Aish.com.* One thing about R. Weinberg was that he was passionate. You couldn’t … Continue reading

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The Risks Of A Secular College

Rabbi Gil Student writes: R. Menachem Schrader, the Founding Director of the OU’s Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (JLIC) program, said the following at a conference for principals and guidance advisors last week about yeshiva high school graduates who go … Continue reading

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The Declining Quality Of Yeshiva Education

A teacher writes on Hirhurim: "As someone who has taught and teaches in high level post high school yeshivot and seminaries- I can attest that the reading level, as well as the ability to "sit" and study, has declined. They … Continue reading

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Holocaust Victims Have Had Enough Compensation Says French Court

From the Times of London: The French State was responsible for deporting Jews during the Second World War, the top judicial authority ruled for the first time yesterday, but it dismayed families of victims by declaring that they had already … Continue reading

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