Daily Archives: January 18, 2009

Bringing Back The Fairness Doctrine

Brian C. Anderson of the Manhattan Institute has published the book "A Manifesto for Media Freedom." Anderson was on Dennis Prager’s radio show last week. He writes in the New York Post: The Fairness Doctrine was an astonishingly bad idea. … Continue reading

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Sundance Shabbat With Matisyahu

Larry Mark writes for the Jewish Journal: I also stopped by the “Shabbat at Sundance” dinner that drew more than 100 participants.  When the time came to say the Birkat Hamazon, a dozen attendees remained and I sat next to … Continue reading

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Doing Yoga On A Sheepskin Mat

I went to a kundalini yoga lecture the other day on the virtues of vegetarianism. I noticed that many people people sat on sheepskin mats. I assume that many people walked to the program on leather shoes. I wear leather … Continue reading

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The Prophetic Documentary Hypothesis

Biblical scholarship is the single most uncomfortable matter for discussion among Orthodox Jews, particularly those familiar with the unanimous acceptance of the Documentary Hypothesis by university scholars. Orthodox rabbi Gil Student blogs: You might recall the "Jacobs Affair", in which … Continue reading

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I’m Live On My Cam

Click here to join the fun. ernieMadoff:  You can’t choose not to be alone, not at this point, but you can choose not to be a Jew BernieMadoff:  Now, I have a question about breasts BernieMadoff:  I saw a photo … Continue reading

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