Daily Archives: January 27, 2009

‘Much to Your Chagrin: A Memoir of Embarrassment’

I interviewed first-time author Suzanne Guillette Monday afternoon. Buy her memoir here. Luke: "Suzanne, when you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?" Suzanne: "I had always written, but I wouldn’t say that I … Continue reading

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I Am Happy

At my yoga studio last night, this old hippie said to the director about me, "He looks happier than you do!" Today, my left sideview mirror fell off. I picked it up and screwed the bolts back in. I can’t … Continue reading

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A Wartime Consigliere

Joe emails: Is it just me, or did we elect some kind of social science professor? The economy is tanking ridiculously, the world is swirling the bowl, and the body politic of the US looks like Luke Ford’s midsection. And … Continue reading

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‘Six Degrees of Paris Hilton’ – The Interview

On Sunday, Mark Ebner (HollywoodInterrupted.com) showed me the Los Angeles of his new book. (I did a previous interview with Mark and his then co-author Andrew Breitbart on Feb. 20, 2004.) I’ve long admired Ebner for his hard-hitting journalism. I … Continue reading

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What Does The Guru Mean When He Says, ‘Love you’?

When Guru Singh walks past you, he says, "Love you." In his latest lecture, he explained how this means something different from "I love you." He was responding to those who think, "How can he love me? He doesn’t even … Continue reading

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