Daily Archives: January 19, 2009

Sue and Lawrence Mischel Try To Evict Young Israel Of South Beverly Hills

There are three lawsuits back and forth between the Mischels (caterers) and Young Israel of S. Beverly Hills (on Pico and Shenandoah). The latest was the Mischels trying to evict the shul from what they claim is their property.

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The New Shiksa Menace

Chaim Amalek emails: "We all know about the Shiksa Menace, V1.0 – the blonde with boobs and bearing who turned the heads of many a yid one or two generations removed from the shtetl, and who continues to lure Jewish … Continue reading

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Insecure About Her Jewish Identity

I love the writing Lilit Marcus, who’s revived Jewcy.com. She comments: "I know that a large part of the reason I am so insecure about my religious identity is because of men I’ve dated and their judgments on my Jewishness. … Continue reading

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The Disaster Of LimmudNY

I’m glad I don’t live in the North-East. A search for "limmud" on Google News reveals zero coverage of this conference. Here are photos. My experience of LImmudLA was the opposite of this. This year’s program should be no different. … Continue reading

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Who Is Reverend Joseph Lowery?

Evan Gahr writes: Although the selection of Rick Warren to deliver the invocation was widely scrutinized because of his opposition to the gay rights agenda the press has ignored Lowery’s well-documented PLO slumming and fancy for Marxist dictators. The January … Continue reading

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