Daily Archives: January 22, 2009

George Mitchell

Joe emails: Obama has named a friggen dinosaur to be middle east envoy. George Mitchell is older than John McCain and probably has one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel. He is part Arab, which gets … Continue reading

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Rabbi Busted For Entering Church

From the New York Daily News: A Manhattan rabbi was chastised by higher-ups for an unorthodox move – participating in an interfaith prayer service at the National Cathedral with President Obama on Wednesday. The Rabbinical Council of America took Rabbi … Continue reading

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Free Speech In Europe

Fred emails: "It is now a crime to insult Islam in Holland. I predict that facism will conquor Europe without any resistance. Yet another nail in the coffin. It seems to me that Europeans have an amazing amount of arrogance … Continue reading

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Where’s The Jewish Richard John Neuhaus?

Rabbi Gil Student nominates Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. I agree that R. Sacks is eloquent, but he does lead anybody? Does he influence thought? Does he lead intellectual change? I don’t think so. He’s a silver-tongued spokesman for the British … Continue reading

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The Blame Goes To Jewish Education

Chaim Amalek posts: If more comely young Jewish women would but understand that male masturbation is the worst sin that a Jewish man is capable of, maybe they’d be more inclined to interdict this evil by offering a warm and … Continue reading

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