Daily Archives: January 16, 2009

How Are You?

There are just a few minutes before Shabbat. I don’t have much spare time these days. Alexander Technique, acupuncture, yoga, therapy and commuting between these places take up about 40 hours a week. It doesn’t leave me much time to … Continue reading

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Congregation Mogen David Still Kicking

The shul has a building and a fat bank account but few members. Gabe Elias, who says he is an ordained Orthodox rabbi, has been running the place since getting rid of Rabbi Jonathan Muskat in 2003. Around 2006, about … Continue reading

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Judaism & Yoga

I’ve been having a hard time of late reconciling Judaism with yoga. In particular, the teachings of Guru Singh with Judaism. I have a hard time putting my hands in prayer position because that reminds me of Christianity. I have … Continue reading

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The Jewish Journal Blogs Sundance

Larry Mark writes: The Sundance Film Festival 2009 opened on Thursday night with an Australian clay animation feature, “Mary and Max,” written and directed by Adam Elliot, a Sundance veteran and Oscar winner for best animated short in 2004.  “Mary … Continue reading

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LA Jewish Community Links Apologize To David Rubin

Here’s my own stuff on David Rubin. From LA-Community.org: There was an article in The Community Links that inappropriately and incorrectly linked a leader in the Jewish Community, who has not been charged or found guilty of any crime, with … Continue reading

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