Daily Archives: January 14, 2009

The Long Ride Home From LimmudLA

My earlier report. (Complete Video) On the ride home, Joey Kurtzman says he used to drive an ambulance and was "trained in the art of defensive driving." Joey: "I chose the Journalistic Ethics class for the purest of reasons. It … Continue reading

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Happiness Strategies

I just got back from therapy. I was the happiest my therp has seen me. I’m doing yoga and Alexander Technique and acupuncture. I’m making new friends. I’m going out on adventures. I talk to beautiful women every day (and … Continue reading

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‘Waltz With Bashir’ – The Dialogue

I saw this movie at the Arclight Saturday night. It was smart, profound and real. My previous articles on Waltz are here and here. I’m glad I bought my ticket Friday because the screening was sold out. Afterwards, movie director … Continue reading

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Every Man Who Wants To Meet A Woman But Does Not Go To Yoga Is A Fool

The average yoga class has three women for every guy. You can’t beat that. Everyone seems to be nice in yoga. It’s a warm supportive non-judgmental environment. People bliss out. Women in yoga are vulnerable physically, socially and spiritually. Because … Continue reading

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Where Did You Go Dennis Wilen?

He was in charge of web operations at the Jewish Journal but he lost his job last week. He was my friend and my guide in love, life and Torah. Oh well, I guess I’m back to leaning on Amalek. … Continue reading

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