Daily Archives: January 31, 2009

Bill Cork Returns To Adventism

In my blogging adventures, I ran across Bill Cork, who was a Seventh-Day Adventist who converted to Roman Catholicism when I knew him (circa 2004). Now I find out that Bill has returned to Adventism. Wow, what a lot of … Continue reading

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I Want To Get All My News From Rebecca Honig Friedman

What a babe! This is her first on-camera appearance: It’s Steven I. Weiss‘s first on-camera appearance too and his first edition of Jewish news since he abandoned blogging on canonist.com.

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My Enemies List

As I walk around on Shabbat, I make a point of greeting every male Jew. I’m too modest to talk to female strangers (unless they are young and hot and seemingly eager to talk to me). When certain people refuse … Continue reading

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I Want To Be A Great Writer

I love to read the biographies of great writers. Yes, their lives inspire me, but most importantly, their weaknesses make me feel like I have company.  Anything that makes me feel like a part of the human race is good … Continue reading

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