Daily Archives: January 18, 2009

Getting The Full Story

From page 230 of the book The Future of the Internet and How to Stop It by Jonathan Zittrain: The Harvard Kennedy School’s Joseph Nye has suggested a site like urban legend debunker snopes.com be instituted for reputation, a place … Continue reading

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David Rubin’s Black Box Deals

From Bloomberg, Nov. 2006: In the Florida deal, a little-known government body called the Capital Trust Agency turned the work over to its advisers: Anchor National Life Insurance Co., a subsidiary of AIG; CDR Financial Products Inc., a Beverly Hills, … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Sees The Movie ‘Australia’

On his radio show Jan. 9, Dennis turned to his wife 20 minutes in to the movie and said, ‘If this does not get better in 15 minutes, we’re outta here." "It is well worth seeing. It is the great … Continue reading

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Fatah Vs Hamas

From PragerRadio.com: "Dennis talks to Jonathan Schanzer, director of policy at the Jewish Policy Center. He has also served as counterterrorism analyst for the Office of Intelligence and Analysis at the U.S. Department of Treasury and as a research fellow … Continue reading

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Judaism Vs Kundalini Yoga

I’m wondering if it is kosher to mix practice of kundalini yoga with Orthodox Judaism? Kundalini is the most spiritually intense form of yoga. Most other forms of yoga are primarily forms of exercise. Kundalini yoga is a spiritual practice. … Continue reading

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