Daily Archives: January 1, 2009

Why Aren’t People More Upset Over The Economic Downturn?

One economist says the relative calm is because almost everyone is hurt. When everyone suffers a setback, you don’t feel as bad about your setback. Dennis Prager took the media to task for focusing on the relative casualties in the … Continue reading

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Should Orthodox Institutions Invite Heretics To Speak?

Modern Orthodox rabbi Gil Student writes: A few weeks ago, a YU student organization had Prof. James Kugel speak to students. Prof. Kugel, you might recall, recently published a book which makes the case that the Bible is a collection … Continue reading

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All He Wanted Was Love

From tmz.com: This may be the very best police report of 2008. When Charles Barkley was busted in Arizona early this morning for DUI, he told cops he ran a stop sign because he was in a hurry to get … Continue reading

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Seeking Approval

I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong in seeking approval. It all depends on who you seek approval from. I notice that a lot of people say, "I don’t care what other people think." I believe this is always false … Continue reading

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