Daily Archives: January 7, 2009

Understanding Persians

Joe emails: Luke, If you want to understand Persians and their insatiable appetite for gaudy displays of wealth and absolute lack of good taste, read this article — about a non-Jewish Iranian, although the mentality is the same.   http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/08/us/08atlanta.html?hp

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Pro-Israel rally outside the Los Angeles Federal building in Westwood – Jan. 7, 2008

A woman of Israel writes: "Now I know who pushed me in the Israel and made me drop my sign… likes the limelight. Nothing will be stand in her way to a camera. Yesterday I was pushed rudely by her. … Continue reading

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Women Should Think Twice Before Saying No To Their Husbands

Dennis Prager writes for Townhall.com: If most women wait until they are in the mood before making love with their husband, many women will be waiting a month or more until they next have sex. When most women are young, … Continue reading

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Luke Ford On The Yellow Peril

From my live cam: ChaimAmalek:  If I had a pal like Rod Blagojevich, I might be a US Seantor today ChaimAmalek:  You should write more about the economy ChaimAmalek:  Make predictions that if true, you can use to boost your … Continue reading

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Joel Schwartz Dies

He was a doctor. He collapsed and died at his daughter’s wedding Sunday. He was buried Monday. He was a regular at Aish HaTorah for many years. He opened his home to dozens of visitors including myself.. About a year … Continue reading

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