Monthly Archives: January 2009

Danielle Berrin, Barack Obama At AIPAC 2005

I can’t work out who’s cuter:

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I Just Lost A Friend

I was scanning my Facebook page and saw an update from someone I don’t know but who is one of my Facebook friends: "…is infatuated with the guy. Cute, Cute, Cute!" Call me a homophobe, but I can’t stomach … Continue reading

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‘Pets Are Like People’

"Freddy just got cremated," said the woman. "I’m so sad. I just brought home his ashes." "Pffft," I said. "You don’t think pets are like people. I think pets are like people." "They’re like people for people who don’t have … Continue reading

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Men Have An Advantage In Ending Relationships

Almost every woman I’ve had a relationship with has wanted to talk through our break-up. That’s the last thing I’ve usually wanted to do. If I am not going to be with the woman I love, I don’t want to … Continue reading

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Betty and the menace to the bio-Jewess

Lilit Marcus writes on A few weeks ago, I wrote a post on Jewcy about my Jewish identity – more specifically, about not knowing Hebrew and wondering if that made me less of a Jew. I also referenced the … Continue reading

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