Daily Archives: September 28, 2008

Neo-Nazis Rise In Power In Austria

From the Jerusalem Post: Sunday’s Austrian election could mean a break in diplomatic relations between Israel and Austria if extreme right-wing parties enter a coalition government. Heinz-Christian Strache, who leads the Freedom Party, took part in paramilitary activities with neo-Nazis … Continue reading

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Toronto’s Orthodox Jews Leaving For New Jersey

John Lorinc writes: In a spare living room furnished with a bookshelf of Hebrew texts and special silverware for religious occasions, Rabbi Jacob Hirschman, 71, tallied up the locations of his grown children. The two youngest, he says, still live … Continue reading

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You Are A Fair-Dinkum Disgrace!

Pops emails: Dear son: It breaks my heart to realize how badly I failed in trying to raise you to be an honest, forthright and righteous human being. Your behavior and reaction to your latest removal from a shul just … Continue reading

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Stop Embarrassing Yourself

Gadi Pickholz emails: Dude: Even for the lowly standards of your blog, you seem to be digging new nadirs for yourself precisely erev rosh hashana. You still do not begin to comprehend the chofetz chayim, nor the most basic responsiblities … Continue reading

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Let It Rain II

From my live cam: YourMoralLeader:  i got booted from my shul palestine4ever:  i kinda gathered from your front page 🙁 YourMoralLeader:  for outing that 18yo anon blogger chick palestine4ever:  no palestine4ever:  way palestine4ever:  ? palestine4ever:  all of the fraudsters who … Continue reading

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