Daily Archives: September 19, 2008

I’m Ripe For A Federal Takeover

From my live cam chat: ChaimAmalek:  Given the severely undercapitalized state of Luke Ford Enterprises, I’m afraid the time is nigh for a federal takeover. ChaimAmalek:  Are there any females here, or is this another sausage fest? RyoScotalnd:  Last Female … Continue reading

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The Seraphic Secret Girls

Robert Avrech writes: Several years ago, spotting a soft-focus Kodak moment, I whipped out my trusty Canon and focused on one of my girlses. “No, don’t shoot me, I look horrible!” What’s going on here, I thought to myself, am … Continue reading

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Sandra Bernhard disses Sarah Palin at Theater J

Bad language alert! Fred emails: Bernhardt is singularly without wit, talent or maturity. She is a walking embarrassment. If it weren’t for her friendship with Madonna, I can’t imagine she would have ever gotten any success whatsoever. I cringe when … Continue reading

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The Dallas Cowboys – The Team Of The Nineties

From the Philadelphia Inquirer: In Pearlman’s book, few Cowboys come off as fully functional human beings, least of all the architect of the success, Jimmy Johnson, who divorced his wife of 20 years and treated his sons "like third cousins" … Continue reading

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Jerry Jones – Football Genius?

Jeff Pearlman writes for the WSJ: If there was a key moment in Mr. Jones’s rise from laughingstock to laudable, it came in January, 2003 when he hired Bill Parcells as head coach. Unlike Mr. Johnson, who insisted on 100% … Continue reading

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