Monthly Archives: September 2008

National Lashon Hara Day

From, five reasons to speak lashon hara: As we march towards Rosh Hashana, join with Jews across North America to be more aware of what we say and what we listen to, and to resolve to improve in 5769. … Continue reading

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Growing Up Seventh-Day Adventist

I spent a couple of hours with my seventh grade friend Dr. Gary Chartier Friday afternoon, Sept. 5, 2008. Video Luke: "One of the things I hated about growing up Adventist was that I did not feel at the center … Continue reading

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This Week’s Torah Portion – Ki Savo 5768

Steve Brizel writes: The Mitzvah of Bikurim R. Yitzchak Etshalom explores Havaas Bikurim and Mikra Bikurim: link R. Yonasan Sacks discusses the similarities between Mikra Bikurim and Birkas HaTorah: link R. Baruch Simon, quoting a Medrash Tanchumah, suggests that Tefilah … Continue reading

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Do We Need A Solution To The Agunah Crisis?

Rabbi Gil Student writes: R. Mordechai Torczyner writes about how local rabbis struggle to "free" agunos and resolve diffcult divorce cases (link). His main point is that rabbis put in a great deal of effort and creativity in solving these … Continue reading

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Shock Poll: Jews Now Favor McCain in New York, 54-32

John Podhoretz writes for Commentary magazine: The Siena poll, one of the two key polls of New York state voters, has come out with its monthly snapshot of the presidential race in the Empire State. And it’s stunning. It is … Continue reading

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