Monthly Archives: September 2008

Jewish Federation Of LA Board Chair Stanley P. Gold Bores Beth Jacob

Stanley Gold spoke at Beth Jacob Shabbos morning. He’s a lousy public speaker and left the crowd sleepy. Gold said before taking the position at the Federation, he asked his wife and kids if he should take the job. They … Continue reading

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Essential Books For Understanding The Iraq War

Hugh Hewitt writes: …Dexter Filkins’ brilliant, riveting and deeply disquieting The Forever War, now making its way up best-sellers lists. Filkins is a reporter for the New York Times, and The Forever War is a memoir of his first eight … Continue reading

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So What Is It Like To Have A Rock Star Dad?

In the Seventh-Day Adventist world I grew up in, my dad was like a rock star. He’d get mobbed when he went out in public and learned the bitter truth of Sartre’s aphorism that "Hell is other people." As for … Continue reading

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Book Review: Desmond Ford: Reformist Theologian, Gospel Revivalist

I look around the Web and it is hard to find anyone hatin’ on my dad these days. Steve Parker writes: Milton Hook has written the first full biography of Desmond Ford – and it is a great read! It … Continue reading

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My Dad On The Atonement

Jared Wright writes: When Desmond Ford speaks, Adventists still listen. In fact speaking with people who heard Dr. Ford’s presentation, it became clear that much, if not most, of Adventism is aligned theologically with Desmond Ford where atonement is concerned. … Continue reading

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