Daily Archives: July 1, 2008

The Jewish Journal – Where Journalists Go To Die

USC professor Marty Kaplan now writes for the Jewish Journal. Susan Freudenheim came from the Los Angeles Times. Brad A. Greenberg came from the Los Angeles Daily News. Bill Boyarsky came from the Los Angeles Times. So after Rob Eshman … Continue reading

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I Want To Lease A Car

Anyone have any good advice for me? I don’t even know what type of car I want to lease. Just something cheap. lukeisback@gmail.com I called up carsdirect.com. I said I didn’t know what type of car I wanted. They said … Continue reading

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American Jewish Life Magazine Closes

I had no idea there was an American Jewish Life magazine but I am glad whenever Benyamin Cohen falls on his face. I could pretend to be all objective and just report the news but Cohen was my worst experience … Continue reading

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Michelle Obama Talks To The DNC’s Gay & Lesbian Leadership Council

From HughHewitt.com: Michelle Obama’s speech last week was a completely candid and heartfelt declaration of Barack Obama true feelings on the subject of same sex marriage: He’s for it.  He is for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act … Continue reading

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Why Dennis Prager Will Vote For John McCain

From townhall.com: Last week, a conservative magazine reported that I would not vote for John McCain for president. The magazine based its claim on a column I had written in May 2007 about why I could not support John McCain … Continue reading

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