Daily Archives: July 15, 2008

Rabbi Marc Gafni As A Rorschach’s Test

When I decide on who to let into my personal life, I make judgments about whether someone is good or bad. I only want good people close to me. In my professional life, I rarely try to classify people as … Continue reading

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I Love ‘Michael Clayton’

I love legal thrillers. I love John Grisham novels. I love power. I love stories about smart good-looking people deciding matters of life and death. I love suits. I love power suits. I love powerful women in suits making decisions … Continue reading

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Rabbi Michael Ozair Residing in Thailand

I’ve been acquainted with Rabbi Ozair for about a decade. I took some of his Torah classes (before his criminal conviction). I interviewed him after his release from prison and we remained on friendly terms. I haven’t heard from him in … Continue reading

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My Feelings R Real

Luv u! Wots the matter? R u fraid of emotional intimacy? U rock! C u ltr!

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Whining About The New Yorker’s Barack Obama Cover

Jack Shafer writes: Although every critic of the New Yorker understood the simple satire of the cover, the most fretful of them worried that the illustration would be misread by the ignorant masses who don’t subscribe to the magazine. Los … Continue reading

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