Daily Archives: July 1, 2008

Rabbi Mordecai Gafni Update

How come so many Jews employ multiple names? From The Awareness Center: Over the last few years various individuals have been monitoring Rabbi Mordechai Gafni’s where abouts.  After fleeing Israel, Gafni took a brief respite in Boston, prior to moving … Continue reading

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Woman <-------

I’ve had a live cam with a chat room for the past few months and I’ve learned to sniff out which chatters are female. Women writes things like this: me <—– chopped liver? *gasp* *giggle* *hides eyes*

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I Almost Kill Rabbi Etshalom

Tuesday. 4:10 p.m. I’m driving north down Livonia and swinging left on to Pico Blvd. The light is green. I’m 20 yards behind an SUV that has turned left on Pico and headed west. I’m traveling at about 10 mph. I’ve had … Continue reading

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Is Rubashkin Meat Kosher?

From today’s WSJ: "The Jewish narrative for 2,000 years has predominantly been about our powerlessness as unprotected immigrants," says Shmuly Yanklowitz, co-founder of Uri L’Tzedek, a progressive Orthodox group. The allegations are "particularly embarrassing because of how deeply connected our … Continue reading

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Rob Spallone Update

I call my friend Rob Spallone for the first time since last October. Luke: "How’s it going?" Rob: "It’s dead. What are you doing?" Luke: "I’m blogging on Jewish stuff." "Why are you still in it?" Rob: "I’m not. I … Continue reading

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