Daily Archives: July 25, 2008

Breaking Up 2.0

From Jewcy: It’s Over, Sign Off (or At Least, Be Invisible): Who hasn’t sat and stared at their Buddy List, trying desperately to diagnose the emotional status of their significant other based on their idle times and away messages? If … Continue reading

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Sex Without Condoms Is The New Engagement Ring

Listen Now Youth Radio’s Pendarvis Harshaw says that among his friends, the transition from condoms to no-condoms signifies a lasting commitment. Nina writes:  Your Friday firestorm watch: After NPR (NPR!) published an audio essay titled "Sex Without Condoms Is The … Continue reading

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How Long Can The MSM Ignore The John Edwards Love Child Story?

Former New York Times reporter Sharon Waxman blogs: It’s hard out there for an ex-candidate, and for the newspapers who cover them. Take today’s explosive story, so far untouched by The New York Times, Washington Post or Los Angeles Times … Continue reading

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The John Edwards Story: Another Black Eye For The LA Times

These clowns can’t get out of their own way. It’s so satisfying to see this arrogant institution humbled. Kevin Roderick reports: Executive editor Meredith Artley of the Times website follows up in an email to Times bloggers: From: Artley, Meredith … Continue reading

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