Daily Archives: July 29, 2008

Praying In Her Own Voice

I email the director of this excellent documentary, Yael Katzir (a well-known Israeli filmmaker and college professor): Dear Yael, Did anything strike you in the differences between the Women of the Wall (and their defenders) and their opponents? You interviewed … Continue reading

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LA’s Earthquake Today Rolled Through While Dennis Prager Was Doing His Ultimate Issues Hour

According to PragerRadio.com:                         Tuesday July 29, 2008 Prager H3: Ultimate Issues Hour: Why I Believe in Hell With Dennis Prager Prager H3: Dennis makes the case for divine … Continue reading

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Using First Names

Rabbi Ari Enkin writes: According to the Talmud, it is forbidden to refer to one’s parents and teachers by their first names and the prohibition remains in place even after their passing.[1] We are taught that addressing teachers by their … Continue reading

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Split Pea Soup Makes Me Very Happy

I am serious. I eat a hot bowl of split pea soup and I always feel happy. There’s no other food that so consistently makes me feel good.

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