Daily Archives: July 21, 2008

I Ask A Lesbian If She’s Ever Experienced The Love Of An Old Hairy Jew

From my live cam chat: guest77: hi,did you see a psy lately ? YourMoralLeader: hi YourMoralLeader: no guest77: lol, i like you guest77: why r u self called moral leader ? is this a subtile joke ? YourMoralLeader: not subtle … Continue reading

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The Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy on the Internet by Law Professor Daniel Solove

I read this book on Shabbos. The prof feels bad for people who did bad things and got caught and publicized on the internet, such as South Korea’s dog poop girl, who refused to pick up her dog’s poop on … Continue reading

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Sunday Morning In Torrey, Utah

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Should We Celebrate The Penitent? Judaism Vs. Christianity

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Why Do People Get Sick?

A dialogue with Marc Gafni while we drive through the Utah desert.

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