Daily Archives: July 26, 2008

Sleaze Stops Edwards From VP Possibility

From the Times of London: SCRATCH John Edwards off the list of potential vice-presidential candidates. The former White House contender, who had been hoping to get the nod from Barack Obama, is in the midst of a full-blown sex scandal. … Continue reading

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What Lies Beneath The Black Hat

Beth Jacob’s Rabbi Steven Weil said in his shabbos morning sermon that last Shabbat mincha, the gabbai asked a kollel (yeshiva for married men) student with a black hat to remove his black hat before getting an aliyah (call to … Continue reading

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Rabbi Michael Ozair Update

Kabbalah Coach posts: Michael did one year under custody. If he was truly diagnosed as a pedophile, he would be doing ten years. The incident with a teenage girl was consentual (and still WRONG), and while he was intoxicated. The … Continue reading

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Orthodox Rabbi Advocates Free Love

I caught the Shabbos morning sermon by Shalhevet’s new moral leader Rabbi Elchanan Weinbach. He noted that the Talmud says the second temple was destroyed because of needless hatred (sinat chinam) among Jews. Rabbi Weinbach gave the familiar but impractical … Continue reading

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