Daily Archives: July 13, 2008

The New Yorker’s Muslim Obama Cover

Andrew Malcolm writes: There are always two sides to everything in politics. The up-side for Barack Obama of the persistent controversy over the Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s black militancy and racist sermons was that it sure drove home the point to … Continue reading

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What Happened To Cedars-Sinai?

I blame the Mexicans. Cedars is a good hospital system, but it is overtaxed.  The average national rate of hospital beds/patient population is 4 beds/1000 people. In LA, as a result of the closures of so many hospitals, its more … Continue reading

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Rabbi Levi Meir Is Dead

Beth Jacob emails: "We announce with sorrow the passing of Rabbi Levi Meier, husband of Marcie Meier, father of Chana Gelb, Isaac & Yosef Meier, Malka Grebnau and brother of Rabbi Menachem Meier.   The funeral service will take place tomorrow, Monday, … Continue reading

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Single Jewish Female Seeks Stress Relief

Perhaps she should seek counseling from Rabbi Abner Weiss? From the Wall Street Journal Friday, Tamar Snyder writes: Just as the economy is headed to recession, the shidduch system is in crisis mode. Or so the rabbis moan, noting the … Continue reading

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When Did 66 Years Old Become Middle-Aged?

Rob Eshman writes in the Jewish Journal about 66-year old Ron Kaye: The unlikely agitator is a middle-aged Jewish man in Woodland Hills, Ron Kaye. Kaye, the former editor of The Daily News, has put together the Saving L.A. Project … Continue reading

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