Daily Archives: March 18, 2008

Sleaze, Equivalence, Bias

Jason Maoz writes for The Jewish Press: Sleaze, Equivalence, Bias (Pictured: Notorious 1982 New York Post headline. Twenty-six years later, the Post, with the exception of its pro-Israel editorial page, is still sleazy.) A few observations on media coverage of … Continue reading

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The Orthodox Conversion To Judaism

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky writes: There is a sign hanging in my office that should be standard in the office of every rabbi, communal leader, worker for Klal Yisrael or activist of any sort. It reads: “For every action there is … Continue reading

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What Women Want

Here are more of the interviews I did in August, September 1995. The first few are with this hilariously outspoken 24-year old named Stephanie. She was the best of the 50 or so women I interviewed. Her mom is Canadian-French … Continue reading

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