Monthly Archives: March 2008

Lakewood Community Rocked By Non-Jewish Man Posing As Jew!

From The Yeshiva World: (Lakewood Staff Writer – YWN) The Lakewood Jewish community is shocked after learning that a “Frum” man living in the heart of Lakewood, was anything but Frum. A source tells YWN, that a family has been … Continue reading

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Greenwashing Their Soul

Here’s a follow-up to a previous post about efforts by Whole Foods to fool the public. The company, in the ultimate act of "greenwashing," wants special praise for offering consumers "100 percent" recycled paper bags. The campaign rests on the … Continue reading

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The Orthodox Connection To The NYT’s Corrupt Arms Suppliers To Afghans Sotry

The Bar-Kochba Botach in this story is a Los Angeles Orthodox Jew. He owns at 3423 West 43rd Place Los Angeles, CA 90008. His brother is Rabbi Shmuley Boteach. Bar-Kochba Botach is not accused of any wrong-doing in this … Continue reading

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Let’s Talk About The Right Of ‘Bameh Dantoni’

It’s in the Shulchan Aruch. It means that if you lose in a Beit Din (Jewish law court), you have the right to ask the judges to explain why they ruled as they did. When you take a case to … Continue reading

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What Is The West Coast Rabbinical Court?

I think it is for Sephardic Jews. It is run by Rabbi Gavriel Cohen whose claim to fame is his ability get divorces from men reluctant to give their wife a get (Jewish divorce) so she can remarry. I believe … Continue reading

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