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Tag Archives: rabbinical court
Hasidic Burning In New Square, New York
The New York Times reports: NEW SQUARE, N.Y. — Last September, Aron Rottenberg did something radical. Along with some friends, he began worshiping not at the grand synagogue at the center of this ultra-Orthodox Skver Hasidic community in Rockland County, … Continue reading
Posted in Hasidim
Tagged front porch, rabbi david, rabbinical court, rottenberg, school desk, third degree burns
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The Meir Kin Divorce Case
Joe emails: Luke, here is another letter from a different Bais Din (Jewish law court) condemning the RCC and the new Seiruv as fraudulent and meritless. Rabbi Gestetner has condemmed Herschel Schachter from New York, Avrohom Union and Nochum Sauer … Continue reading
Posted in Meir Kin, RCC
Tagged bais, condemmed, halachic sources, harem keeper, monsey ny, rabbinical court
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This is a lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court: Case Type: Other Promissory Note/Collections (General Jurisdiction) Case#: SC098384 Parties: BURK EILEEN – Defendant,BURK YAKKOV – Defendant,RALBAG ARI – Plaintiff,RALBAG ARI – Plaintiff & Plaintiff In Pro Per Attorneys: Date Filed: … Continue reading
Posted in R. Aryeh Ralbag
Tagged agudath, angeles superior court, aryeh, brooklyn new york, case type, city of amsterdam, divorce cases, ecclesiastical court, eileen burk, Eruv, first cousin, Google, google search, israel meir, jewish divorce, jurisdiction case, kashrus organization, los angeles superior court, note collections, ovadia yosef, prestigious journal, rabbinical college, rabbinical court, rabbinical ordination, rav moshe, rav ovadia, roshei yeshiva, union of orthodox rabbis, Young Israel
How Should Religious Zionism React To The Conversion Controversy?
Shahar Ilan writes in Haaretz: If anyone thought that religious Zionism should continue having anything to do with the Chief Rabbinate or the rabbinic courts, along came the ousting of Rabbi Haim Druckman from his position as head of the … Continue reading
Posted in Conversion
Tagged chief rabbinate, conversion controversy, conversion system, conversions, court of appeals, former soviet union, haaretz, israelis, mass conversion, national challenge, rabbi, rabbinical court, Rabbis, religious establishment, religious women, religious zionism, russian immigrants, sabbatical year, tough questions, zionists
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European Rabbis Void Conversions Done By Rabbi Haim Druckman
Gadi emails: "Dude: It’s lucky that you are not really Jewish, because by the time the Talibanut would be finished with you, you wouldn’t even be able to be classifed as dead. See today’s papers, or failed messiah if your … Continue reading
Posted in Conversion
Tagged cast doubt, chief rabbinate, classifed, commu, concession, conversions, FailedMessiah, gadi, hellip, israeli rabbis, jerusalem post, kosher butcher, messiah, quorum, quot, rabbi moshe, rabbinical court, ritual bath, state conversion, telephone interview
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