Tag Archives: rsquo

Love The Convert

Rabbi Eliezer Melamed writes in the Jewish Press: The laws regarding converts to Judaism are among the most astounding in the Torah. They teach us that any non-Jew who truly and earnestly seeks to join the Jewish people may do … Continue reading

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Hillel Bylaws Up For Vote

I hear Harkham Hillel’s religious dean Rabbi Boruch Sufrin, Morey Levovitz and current puppet president Fallas are being targeted by current and former employees for work related harrassment issues. For the upcoming vote on the bylaws board and executive board … Continue reading

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Women Marking Their Territory

My hovel is filled with happy birthday balloons. I’m trying to understand why. A secret source posts: I don’t think that person wants balloons on her birthday. She was probably just trying to mark her territory. Like leaving a big … Continue reading

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We Are All Role Models

This man’s writing always shakes me up. He has a knack for getting to the heart of a matter. Chareidi Judaism doesn’t have a better representative in the news media. Jonathan Rosenblum writes: When a radio transmitter transmits sound waves, … Continue reading

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Conversion Controversy Discussion

Rabbi Yitzhock Adlerstein writes: Conversion-controversy junkies will have an opportunity to participate in a live, interactive webcast on the topic this coming Tuesday evening, through some really cool technology. Those whose comments have been edited can get their revenge The … Continue reading

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