Daily Archives: January 8, 2012

How Should You Walk The Mean Streets Of Pico-Robertson?

Leaving a Shabbat dinner the other night, I was advised by the hostess to watch out for muggers. Don’t let anybody sneak up behind me. There have been three Orthodox Jews mugged on Airdrome in the past month. I was … Continue reading

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How Does One Enjoy Life When There’s A Genocide In Darfur?

I was just out for a walk. It’s a beautiful sunny day in Pico-Robertson. I passed these kids playing. They were laughing and shooting each other with water guns. At least one kid wore a t-shirt that read “Stop the … Continue reading

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Best Buy Heads For Bankruptcy

I went to Best Buy on Pico Blvd last Wednesday and the customer service, when I was able to flag a reluctant employee, was shoddy at best. The employees rarely seem educated or enthusiastic, much like the folks I remember … Continue reading

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Conservative Commentator Tony Blankley Is Dead

I met him in October of 2005: Washington Times Op/Ed Editor Tony Blankley Calls For Constituational Declaration Of War Against Islamic Fascism Blankley spoke to the Wednesday Morning Club Monday. I sat next to the radiant Cathy Seipp, bathing in … Continue reading

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How The Alexander Technique Helps Musicians

From BodyLearning: Michael Parkinson, a bassoonist and Alexander Technique teacher in Vienna, Austria, talks to Robert Rickover about his own experiences with the Technique, and how it can help musicians. Michael writes: …[R]eplacing habitual patterns of movement with something more … Continue reading

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