Monthly Archives: January 2012

How Alexander Technique Can Help With Addiction

Throughout my life, I’ve said things to myself such as, “I’ve got to have X or I’ll be unhappy.” I’ve been compulsive. I’ve needed to fill the hole in my soul with some emotional high. Twelve-step programs are great for … Continue reading

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The Risks And Rewards Of Yoga

I did permanent damage to myself in my first enthusiastic weeks of yoga. I stretched out all sorts of ligaments that will never regain their original condition. It cost me about $1600 worth of physical therapy to ease the pain … Continue reading

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Parallels between the Alexander Technique and Acupuncture/TCM

Amira Glasser is an Alexander Technique teacher in New York and a student of traditional Chinese medicine. Robert Rickover conducts the interview. “At one point, I tried to understand it [TCM] and I gave up.” “When I go, I present … Continue reading

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Holocaust Survivor Stanley Diller Drops Dead

The levaya (funeral) was at Yeshiva Gedolah this afternoon. Stanley was known in Los Angeles Jewish circles for his ugly divorce from his first wife and for his support for yeshivot. The Jewish Press reports in 2010: At the Hancock … Continue reading

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Is Israel an Apartheid State?

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