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Category Archives: New York
The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York by Robert Caro (1974)
John Masko writes in the Claremont Review of Books: * Every biographer dreams of upending the consensus view of a prominent historical figure. Rare indeed is the writer who succeeds at this task as triumphantly as Robert Caro did in … Continue reading
Posted in New York
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WP: Robert Moses and the saga of the racist parkway bridges
I’ve been listening to the audio book The Power Broker (1974) by Robert Caro about Robert Moses. According to Wikipedia: In later years a more positive view of Moses’ career has emerged, in explicit reaction to his portrayal in The … Continue reading
New York’s Mayoral Race (6-30-21)
00:00 Election Experts & The New York Voting Fiasco, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=140750 21:00 New York Times investigates Jan. 6 Capitol Hill riots, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/30/us/jan-6-capitol-attack-takeaways.html 25:00 The Politics Of The Word And The Politics Of The Eye, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=140729 1:56:20 Tucker Carlson on New York … Continue reading
Posted in New York
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Election Experts & The New York Voting Fiasco
Something awful happens. Do you immediately jump to conspiracy thinking? Or do you first suspect incompetence? I first suspect incompetence (unless there’s strong evidence to the contrary, such as two planes crashing into the Twin Towers on 9-11). I am … Continue reading
Posted in New York, Voter Fraud
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WSJ: ‘Fear City: New York vs. the Mafia’ Review: Cracking Down on La Cosa Nostra
From the WSJ: Sure, the mob was brutal if your small business was being leaned on, or you needed 100,000 yards of concrete, or owed money. But most people who needed a loan went to Manufacturers Hanover (or the Bowery … Continue reading