Monthly Archives: June 2011

Anthony Weiner Admits Lying

I’m watching Fox News. At 1 p.m., when Anthony Weiner was scheduled to speak, instead the man at the podium was Andrew Breitbart. Andrew is on a book tour. This has brought him to Manhattan. Andrew decided to show up … Continue reading

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What Do You Notice?

That’s the most persistent question in Alexander Technique lessons — what do you notice? When you get in and out of a chair, what do you notice? Do you sense your neck tightening and compressing? What’s going on with your … Continue reading

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Lofty First Amendment Ideas

In writing class today, I was challenged to draw what I was thinking about. I produced this: And then I had to write about it. My title is: “Tiger on the Loose” I love Hollywood. I love being on set. … Continue reading

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Hasidic Burning In New Square, New York

The New York Times reports: NEW SQUARE, N.Y. — Last September, Aron Rottenberg did something radical. Along with some friends, he began worshiping not at the grand synagogue at the center of this ultra-Orthodox Skver Hasidic community in Rockland County, … Continue reading

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My Big Fat Gay Wedding

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