Monthly Archives: June 2011

12-Step Meetings Were My Idea

I’ve never had a therapist recommend I go to 12-step meetings. They’ve been my idea. Yes, I saw Fight Club, but that didn’t spur me to go to 12-step meetings. I never considered it until about two months ago when … Continue reading

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Tinnitus – Constant Ringing In The Ears

I was sitting around with some friends the other day. They’d all had back surgery and they still suffered from having a bad back. They talked about their aches and pains. They talked about the trauma of surgery. They talked … Continue reading

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The Taliban Shuffle: Strange Days In Afghanistan And Pakistan

I’m enjoying this new book by journalist Kim Barker. One page 157, she writes: I sipped my sweet milky tea and decided to cut through the conspiracy drama. I asked my test question, the one that I had started using … Continue reading

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Is Hillary Clinton Aide Huma Abedin A Security Risk?

Jane emails: This about Huma Abedin went off like a red flag for me too. I didn’t know Hillary was running around with God knows who, compromising security like that. I’m a paralegal who worked with security clearances, there’s a … Continue reading

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How To Handle Intrusive Jewish Questions

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